Wednesday Nov 06, 2024

Simplifying Business Connections

The "Love Your Sales" podcast hosted by Leighann Lovely features a deep dive into the struggles and solutions for small business owners and entrepreneurs. In this episode, Leighann interviews Scott LeBeau, a former banking professional turned entrepreneur, who discusses the challenges faced by small businesses. Scott shares insights on his platform, OneSourceDirect, which aims to level the playing field for small businesses by connecting them directly with potential clients without the disadvantages imposed by traditional marketing and search engine constraints. The conversation highlights Scott's passion for helping small businesses and the significance of simplifying marketing efforts. Additionally, the episode touches on the importance of learning from failures and the rise of entrepreneurship since COVID-19.

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Leighann Lovely: Welcome to another episode of Love Your Sales. I am joined today by Scott LeBow. He has got 35 years in the banking industry, working with small to mid size as well as large, Working with large businesses as well. Is that correct, Scott?

Scott LeBeau: Yeah, I've, I've had a couple, but mostly they've been smaller businesses or a lot of consumers and car dealerships, things like that, so.

Leighann Lovely: Awesome. And he is now the owner, the [00:02:00] founder of OneSourceDirect. And, I am thrilled to have him join me today and, , walk me, walk us through, um, his journey into entrepreneurship. So welcome, Scott. I am so thrilled to have you join me today.

Scott LeBeau: Thanks a lot. I appreciate it. Yeah. It's as you know, cause we've had so many side conversation.

It's, it's interesting. We'll use that word today. Okay.

Leighann Lovely: Oh, right. We will use interesting, but Scott, I'm excited to have, like I said, I'm excited to have you come on because you and I have had a lot of side conversations around, um, one source direct and what it does for people. Let's dive a little bit into that because, , it truly is an amazing platform.

So let's talk about that. Okay.

Scott LeBeau: All right. Are you okay if I use your story that I posted on a few weeks ago about your search for the accountant?

Leighann Lovely: Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. Let's talk about that.

Scott LeBeau: I think that just really kind of sums up very well what we're trying to do. [00:03:00] And you know, you had mentioned that you were looking for that accountant and you'd spend three plus days looking for one and really had no, no responses or very limited responses and What we're trying to do is make it so that you could have taken that three day journey and put in the 15 minutes.

And so you could have simply used our platform said, I'm going to go out there. I'm going to look for an accountant. I can create the need form, a little description, what you're looking for, timeframe, just some basic things. And then the minute you hit submit, it goes Directly to any account that's on our platform and it really benefits you because it saves time on your end.

But, you know, when you look at that accountant on the back end that might not have a marketing budget is going to appear on page 15 of the internet searches and things like that, that no one ever looks at. So it's really a way of trying to connect that buyer and seller directly with each other in as easy as as easy as possible process we can put together that makes sense.

But again, it's just a simplified way to connect people.

Leighann Lovely: So it's, um, free [00:04:00] for, that would have been free for me or.

Scott LeBeau: Yes, that part would have been free for you. In fact, if anyone wants, they can go up, go out there and sign up today. Uh, just go to our website, but right for you, it's free, for the account.

They do pay a monthly subscription. And when, you know, with our platform, that subscription is one price for everything that we offer. So even though we have two platforms, every time you want to, you know, send something out, you don't have to pay another charge and create a new campaign. So it's just a much again, simpler, hopefully process for people.

Leighann Lovely: Well, that sounds that sounds amazing. So I, as a small business could put my information out there, explain to the world what I do. And then they, all of the people out there who are on there for free, put out what they are possibly searching for as far as needs. And then I'm advertised directly to them when their need comes up.

Scott LeBeau: Right? Yeah, they connect directly with you. Um, the other thing you could take like [00:05:00] our podcast today and you could actually push that out to people that are looking for, you know, marketing or business development tips. So it's really way about creating a 2 way flow of information so that as a user and in a recent poll we did, we found out that 70 percent of the business owners spend.

More than 11 hours a week on the internet looking for things. Well, this is a way to give them back part of that time, so it comes directly to them. It benefits you from the perspective of, you're trying to reach that customer ultimately. Um, and for them, it's like, you know what, it just shows up in my inbox whenever you post something.

So they can stay up to date on things without really having to invest a great deal of time and effort.

Leighann Lovely: But it, it's information that I want to see.

Scott LeBeau: Yes. You, you pick and choose what offers you want to receive, which could just be, let's say you're going to run a free marketing, what, you know, website analysis or something like that.

So it could be an offer. It could be an article like your podcast right here. You can send that to somebody that says, I want this type of information.

Leighann Lovely: That's awesome. [00:06:00] Okay. Because I mean, on a regular basis, I'm getting spammed by, So much information and honestly, I got to be, you know, realistic if I'm not interested in the information, it goes directly into my delete, delete, delete.

But when I am looking for that information, it feels like it's impossible to find

Scott LeBeau: it. You're right there. It's just a sea of information out there. Like one of my friends always said, it's like drinking water through a fire hose. You're just getting inundated with too much stuff and you stop looking because you don't have time to sift through everything.

So it's kind of like we're helping you unsubscribe before you even try to subscribe. So.

Leighann Lovely: Okay. And so let's, let's go back to the beginning. You've, you've had 35 years in the banking industry and then all of a sudden what you decide to just jump into entrepreneurship. Let's talk about that.

Scott LeBeau: I just woke up one morning and felt the need to change.

Actually partially where this came from is, you know, I've done my internet searches for things that I've had to do for the bank, whether [00:07:00] looking for products or services, whatever. And as a user, I've been inundated with too spammed, like you said before. Also, next thing you know, you're getting unwanted phone calls, emails, pop ups, all this other stuff.

Those are all things that we don't do. Um, so between that and also sitting down and actually working with several business owners that, you know, you hear their stories and you hear the struggles that they have. And I can't tell you how many times I've heard somebody say, you know, I just need that one customer to get me over the hump.

You know, um, So it was partially that, and several business owners, in fact, that I've actually worked with actually closing their businesses are some of the people that helped us put this together. so it's, it's been that and, you know, the, there's a catch 22 in banking. It says, you know, if you have a newer business looking for, you know, hey, I need a loan.

Okay, well, I can't approve your loan because you don't have revenue to pay me back. Okay, but then the customer looks and goes, that's why I wanted the money so [00:08:00] I can invest in marketing so I could get revenue to pay you back. So it really does create some very awkward conversations when, you know, people are just trying to, you know, get, get over the hump and you can't even help them with that.

So it really is about several, several experiences, both personally and professionally that I've dealt with. And, rather than just sitting on the sidelines, I, I talked to the people I knew in business and I talked to some friends that are developers and we sat in, um, in a conference room for, By six or seven straight weeks, you know, like once or twice a week, and this is what we came up with

Leighann Lovely: interesting.

And you're so right. I mean, the number one reason small businesses fails because they run out of money and they can't get a loan from a bank if the bank doesn't feel that they're viable enough to be able to pay them back. And you all of a sudden you're like, I just need like 50, 000 and I will be able to launch my business and I will be able to pay you back.

Like trust me. And they're like, yeah, we don't, we don't loan money to people when they [00:09:00] just say, trust me.

Scott LeBeau: Right. Yeah. Yeah. Character does count, but it has a limit. Um, but you know, you think, or think about that customer that, you know, okay, I have a customer that wants me, is going to give me a million dollar contract if I can develop this product.

Well, if you can't develop the product, you're kissing that, you know, million dollar deal goodbye. So it's, it's tough. And like I said, I've, I've heard a lot of stories over the course of my. Uh, many, many years, decades or whatever of banking, but you know, when you boil it down, it really does come down to the same thing.

Leighann Lovely: Right. Right. That makes sense. I mean, as an entrepreneur myself, who's, you know, sat and gone, man, if I could just get that revenue up, I could go to the bank. They would give me money and then I would be, you know, set to be able to get over that hump. But you are completely correct. It all comes down to. How do you get the next customer to get you over that hump?

Scott LeBeau: Right. And you know, even from a startup perspective to the, you [00:10:00] know, that's really in a lot of cases where you have to invest that money because with current or a lot of the social media platforms, you really need to figure out a way to get to page one or two, since so many people never go past that.

And it's an expense that not a lot of people can take on, you know, and when you look at COVID, how many people, you know, What it's been almost 4 million businesses, uh, since COVID has started. Well, how many started up because they, they were downsized out, you know, so some of these people, it's not been by choice, but they're at a competitive disadvantage from the word go.

It's not like you left their experiences with their employer. Hey, I'm downsizing you, but, uh, take everything, you know, and put it on this disc and then leave, you know, And, and unfortunately, the social media platforms will, they can actually, what do you call it? Their rating is, uh, the algorithm is based on their number of years in business.

And if you don't meet that minimum requirement, there's no way you're getting to page one. No one's going to find you. So we treat everyone the same. [00:11:00] Everyone has an equal chance to generate a lead, to promote their business through the different channels. In fact, just by signing up for our paid plans, you automatically are eligible to start beginning to start receiving leads.

You don't have to do any marketing or promotion. So

Leighann Lovely: that's, it feels like that would be such just a simple, why wouldn't I do that?

Scott LeBeau: Well, you know, we talked before about branding and getting your name out there. That's the same. A lot of the challenges I saw with these other people are the exact same ones I'm going through right now and just figuring out, you know, how do you, how do you convey your message in a very simple way?

And, as you know, we've tried many different things and changing the message to try to figure out how can I resonate that message or our message, better with somebody so that they know that we're there and, um, it's a challenge.

Leighann Lovely: Right, so it comes down to what makes you, your community, your platform, different [00:12:00] than the other platforms out there, because there are, I mean, there's what, uh, there's, I mean, I can name, Alignable, there's, but those are communities where You have to continue to

Scott LeBeau: contribute and add people and things of that nature.

And with us, you know, built, we understand that and recognize that building a network is not a, it's not an easy task. And I kind of look at, I jokingly, and I don't know if it's good or bad, but I think sometimes some other platforms like pyramid scheming, because they, you know, they ask you to go out and help other people, you know, build their pro, you know, products.

So you can have access to their. You know, they're members and then you expect people to do that for you. So it's, it's kind of a different approach. But we want a community built where that just by signing up, you become a part of that community. You have access to the community, you know, and you can control the information that you receive.

You're not going to get hit with, you know, unwanted phone calls, spam and [00:13:00] pop up ads or any of that stuff, because those are not things that we believe in. You know, again, it's, those are things that put, you know, One business ahead of another one. They, they rewarded the people that have the resources, the, experience or the capabilities to run extensive campaigns.

And, and there's so many people that have great. Business ideas that have great products and services, but they, they're, they can't be found because they don't have the money or the experience that they need or the time to, to really go out and promote your business art.

Leighann Lovely: Right. And, and you think about that and you go online and you, Let's just say, and I know Scott, you've heard me use this one before, but the plumber is of the world, right?

But, so you type in plumber, and the ones that can pay to advertise on any, on any search engine. Will come up at the top and you can see they're, they're paid advertisers. So they pop up at the top, [00:14:00] which means that it is an unfair advantage to those small guys out there. Usually the ones that are local run businesses, non chain, but true.

And not to say that, you know, a franchise or a chain is not a locally run or owned business, but. But they're the ones that don't have that mass financial backing of. You know, a franchise or of a, you know, huge business marketing,

Scott LeBeau: marketing,

Leighann Lovely: marketing department. And so because they don't have that backing, they struggle to ever get off the ground.

Right. And if you want to support local, you know, and sometimes you don't even realize that you're not, if you're just, you know, pointing at the, or just clicking on the first one that you see, and you think, Oh, serving Milwaukee. Okay. I, cause I would love to be able to support local. I want to support the community that I live in.

It [00:15:00] would be nice to level the playing field. And it sounds like your platform. Puts everybody on the same.

Scott LeBeau: It doesn't, it doesn't matter to us. And you know, the example we can use as your accountant, if you would, you know, do an internet search without naming names, you get 459 million accountants near us.

Now, I don't know about you, but I've evidently missed that subdivision because there is not that many. And you're right. You, even if you join a group, let's say on LinkedIn, you know, okay, local businesses, how many of those people actually reside here? You know, and people are joining things like that, you know, that's our thing.

We don't have groups or hashtags, none of that. This is all just, um, it's not very, it's not a very exciting platform to look at, but that's by design. It's designed to be simple. It's designed to be one that doesn't require that you take multiple classes, run multiple campaigns, all these different things.

It is just one where literally you can go on, you create your profile, you [00:16:00] can go back in and manage at any time, and then. You set the radius. So if I only want to do business with, you know, somebody within 10 miles of me, that's what, that's what we'll come down to. You set where you want to do your business.

If you want to do global, have Adder, you know.

Leighann Lovely: Right.

Scott LeBeau: So it's really up to your personal preferences. And we felt that there were just different ways to do things like that.

Leighann Lovely: Amazing. And that's, and that's great. I mean, and ultimately, so even if the big dogs come on there, even if Amazon or whatever it might be comes on there, they still don't have more pull than the little, Mom and pop shop candle company down the road who's saying yeah here I've got great Christmas gifts if that's what you're setting your preferences to be for whatever it might be

Scott LeBeau: right.

Yeah, exactly I mean it it just seems like that made sense and maybe I oversimplified things because But I think that we have some, we have power through [00:17:00] simplicity and what we built.

Leighann Lovely: And I think that entrepreneurs today are looking for something simple in a very complex world. Because we, we get lost in the complexities, don't we?

Scott LeBeau: Right. I think that one of the biggest challenges, and you and I've talked about this, is that we face is education. And I don't mean how to use us, but people are so conditioned, like, you know, all the social media platforms out there, you're so conditioned that I have to do this, this, this, spend this, do and all these different things when the reality is, I don't think you do, you know, a lot of their decisions, you know, changing algorithms daily, you know, how can you, how can you keep up with that?

You know, you have to pay somebody to do that, you know, Really, I think in a lot of cases, the small business customers that we hope to be able to help are ones that, um, are kind of left by the wayside, you know, by some of these people, because they're not going to generate 5, 000 a month in revenue or 1, 000 a month in revenue.

If as a business owner, I can [00:18:00] afford 100 a month, well, okay, that's one hour of work. Maybe I can get out of a consultant, you know, so I think that there's a market and there's a great opportunity here, to support us. I think an underserved, segment of the workforce, which accounts for 99. 9 percent of the business in the country.

So, so yeah,

Leighann Lovely: very interesting. So when you started coming up with this idea, you had mentioned that there was a group of you that kind of talked about this, where, I mean, how did, how did the first thing that You, I think you kind of mentioned that, that because you were in banking and you were seeing so many underserved, you know, businesses that, and that would be painful.

I mean, it would be seeing, seeing so many people that you weren't able to help. And, you know, I understand the regulations in banking. I understand, you know, that there's a certain thresholds that you have to be able to show in order for it to be a viable, deal to [00:19:00] give some, you can't just give anybody money or, you know, the.

The banking industry would, would fold. And we've, we've seen, you know, what back in the housing industry when they were handing out loans to everybody, we, we saw that happen, but, so I get that, but you know, at what point did you really decide like, yeah, I'm going to, I'm going to jump both feet in on this.

And what was,

Scott LeBeau: what was that like?

Leighann Lovely: What was that like? And you know, what did you have family that were like, you're crazy. Cause I know my family was like, you're crazy.

Scott LeBeau: I don't know if they thought I was crazy, but I always call it the deer in the headlight look because I remember as I started conceptualizing this and I actually met with, you know, some of our vendors that we had at the bank as well, I would sit there and I explained to him and it'd be like this pause.

And I remember one gentleman, he had his computer out and he's looking at some stuff that we'd put out there and he's just like staring at it and I'm like, is everything okay? You know, I didn't know what it was, [00:20:00] but I think, you know, and things like that at first, I was like, yeah, what do I have to do differently?

I'm like, you know what I said, it goes back to what I said about education. We, what we've built is so different than what's out there. You know that. And again, everyone's trained to think about something in a specific way. So when you throw something out there that challenges, you know, the norm. Yeah.

 It made people think I, I said that if, if 10 percent of the people that I've ever talked about this told me I was crazy and I should, you know, check myself in for a long weekend, I would have stopped years ago. But I think that, you know, the more I talk to people, but what we're trying to do, I get so much positive feedback.

In fact, through these initial conversations, you know, our core platform exists today. We already have seven enhancements that we've already gotten from conversations with people about how do I take this to the next level? How do I make this even better, more efficient for everybody involved? Um, so it's really, it's so much fun when people start to figure out what we're doing and how we're doing it.

[00:21:00] And, you know, like I mentioned before we hopped on the call today, I said, you know, our conversation today led me to go back and really kind of revisit the why what we've done, you know, and it really, it's fun, you know, to, to sit down and think about this because, so it's so easy and I'm sure I've done have an idea that you're like, that's just too much work, you know, and you're not going to go against it.

Scott LeBeau: And if you really kind of look at the people or the companies I'm going against, I think the interest they earn on their checking account per second is probably, you know, because they're so big. You know, and they, everything that they do is designed to, to increase profits. You know, they have, they have a board, a board of directors.

We don't, we have end users. My end users are more important to me than a board of directors ever will be. Because they're the ones that are going to tell us what they need. They're the ones that we're going to talk to about how we make this better for you. You know, simple things, you know, what do you want to see?

What are your pain points? I mean, all these things you can go out and research on the internet if you have the time, effort, and desire to do so. [00:22:00] But until you actually, I think, sit across from somebody, you know, And really kind of listen to them. It really doesn't hit home. And I think every business that I shut down, I did it face to face.

I had personal conversations with these people. I would be sitting there talking to things as, you know, their spouses, their children, their family came walking in. So it was very real for me. It's not something I did via, uh, which surprised some of the people I worked with. I didn't do it over the phone. I didn't do it via email or text or anything like that.

And I think that's because I think people may talk to me, understand the passion I have for this. I think they know that it would take a lot to get me off center and to stop doing what I'm doing.

Leighann Lovely: That was really well said. And clearly you do have a passion for helping people and wow, that was really, really well said.


Scott LeBeau: Again, this is fun for me. I mean, I, this is something I'll hit mandatory retirement age soon, but I go, this is something I'm going to do well past it because I [00:23:00] just enjoy this. I enjoy sitting down and talking to people.

Leighann Lovely: Right. Well, and you know, if If you enjoy what you do, you'll never, you know, work a day in your life.

And I think that the rise of the small business and the entrepreneurs, , you know, that we've seen, it comes out of a place of passion in so many of us, right. You know, and the amount you had said, the, the amount of new entrepreneurs since COVID has, It's insane. It's insane. Right.

Right. It is absolutely insane. And to have a platform where we are all working together and not fighting each other, that's what, that's what this is.

Scott LeBeau: Right. And you know, you think about some of the platforms that, you know, cause freelancers are the same way. They're going to grow exponentially over the next several years.

Well, you can go to some websites out there now and they'll take up to 40 percent of the money. That you earn as a freelancer, just for the, you know, connecting through there, they're going to [00:24:00] restrict, you know, you and I could be, I could be in the US, you could be across the border in Canada, have the same skill set, but because you're in Canada, some of these websites will limit what you can potentially earn, you know, our goal is really to Get people talking.


Leighann Lovely: Let's go back to that. Say that again. I'm sorry. Go back to that.

Scott LeBeau: Some of the, some of the freelancer websites that are out there will limit how much a person can make based upon their geographic location. So in addition to taking up to 40 percent of what you're going to earn, they're also going to, they, several may restrict the max you can earn because you're in X, Y, Z country.

Leighann Lovely: Is that legal?

Scott LeBeau: It must be because these, these, these people have, uh, I'm sure a few attorneys working for him. So, yeah, but that's, that's it, you know, and so much

Leighann Lovely: is that that's a state or federal. It's got to be a federal,

Scott LeBeau: we have international rules, international

Leighann Lovely: rules because of, and so the government is [00:25:00] going to, uh, notice

Scott LeBeau: the systems themselves actually do.

They limited

Leighann Lovely: systems.

Scott LeBeau: Yes. And the key thing there is, is that as long as you treat everybody the same. There's really not much you can do

Leighann Lovely: interesting,

Scott LeBeau: but things like that. So we want to be able to say, okay, you know, we're going to do, we're going to connect you to, if you both agree that you want to go forward.

And again, your initial contact for the most part on the platform is anonymous. So nobody knows who you are. You can even communicate and ask questions on someone sends you a lead. You can go back and forth anonymously, but once you decide to go forward, then it's up to you to make your deal. I'm not going to set prices.

I'm not going to take a cut of what you do. And things like that. And the other thing that we do, and this kind of goes back to that level playing field, what we have on the platform is the ability to identify as a, let's say a woman owned business, uh, Latino, Hispanic, black owned LGBTQ. You can identify that because there's so many people that support those groups.

So you have, and these are all things that we did without talking, you know, [00:26:00] that's, those are not things that we discuss with the groups, but those are things that we just did because they seem to make sense.

Leighann Lovely: Right. Well, yeah. I mean, and there's a lot of people out there who, Choose to support and and to be anonymous that that eliminates in the beginning the some of the discrimination, some of the discrimination, or I mean, hey, I'd love to look at a couple of different offers, before I then want to get to know the person. To make sure that I know, like, and trust them.

Scott LeBeau: Right. And, and so once let's say as a seller and I get your lead, the minute that I click interested, then my profile opens up that you create that also includes any of the offers, articles, anything that you're, you posted.

But I still don't know who the, you know, the customers or the buyer is.

Leighann Lovely: So you can't be harassed by them.

Scott LeBeau: Right.

Leighann Lovely: If you choose not to move forward, they're not going to spam you.

Scott LeBeau: Right. Just like [00:27:00] if the person that gets a lead says, I'm not interested. You never know. The only, the only time on a platform, Leanne, that somebody knows who you are is when, let's say we talked before about the offers and articles.

When you send those out, they come from you. And that's, that's the time that if someone's seeing, you know, you put out your, you know, your promo for website reviews or, you know, whatever. That's when you want somebody to know who you are. They can actually contact you directly through the system, or they can call you from the phone, you know, right there.

So the ability to do that. Again, but that's promoting your business. That's getting in touch with somebody that wants to hear from you. So all these little things that we're talking about just all made sense to us.

Leighann Lovely: Right. Very interesting. I love that. And I love that you have an avenue to share a variety of different information, but only to those who are interested in that information.

Right. Like, I, I'm not, I'm not going to be interested in. A variety of stuff like that, right? I don't and the [00:28:00] other thing I don't like to have to do is manage my unsubscribe list like I don't want to have to say I'm not interested in sending out my podcast or my newsletter to people who aren't interested in it because it's more time for me to manage the unsubscribe list.

I would rather have people who are interested in the content that I have or the product that I'm offering than people who are not interested. Like, it's just more work for me.

Scott LeBeau: Right. And the good thing is, is that literally when you go into the thing and create the submit form, once you hit submit, that's it.

You don't do anything else. It literally goes out to the people directly.

Leighann Lovely: The people who are interested, the people who have, who have stated that they would be interested in learning about my podcast or my business, you know, sales rescue of learning about, you know, how they can increase whatever it might be, very interesting.

I love it. I love it.

Scott LeBeau: So think, think too about all the [00:29:00] people that have a newsletter that literally sits on a website waiting for someone not to find it. I mean, I'm not trying to be true, but it's true because again, if, if in order for someone to find it, they have to search me. And if I'm on page 1 million of a search, that's never going to happen.

This is a way, this is a way for that accountant. And it would have been a great way for you too. You could have easily gone into your system. You could have typed in accountant and look, just look for articles. You could have gone in and seen anything somebody posts.

Leighann Lovely: I am now on your platform. So yes, thank you.

Live and learn. Next time I, next time I need to find, you know, something I, I will definitely be tweaking what I am interested in seeing. So, well, Scott, if you could give advice to somebody, let's say in your position, you know, is there anything that you would do differently when you first started out?


Scott LeBeau: been asked this question before and, you know, my response has always been the same. No, because I [00:30:00] can't. Every decision I made at that point was based upon the knowledge I had at that time. And so much of what I've built over this time is a result of what I've learned through that process. So, for me, I go, Failure doesn't scare me, you know, um, and that's something that I think a lot of people are like, I'm done.

I'm giving up. But again, I think that is what's going to make you stronger. That's what's going to help you identify things, you know, that you can change going forward. You can't change the past, but I can change the future. I can shape the future.

Leighann Lovely: That is spoken like a true, true through and through entrepreneur.

Let me tell you, because, and it's funny, cause I just had an interview with, um, her name is Kathy. She's the owner of yellow leaf candle company. And she said the same thing that you said is that failure doesn't scare me. It's, you know, and I love, I love hearing that because I fail. I feel probably on a daily basis at something, [00:31:00] right?

Scott LeBeau: Well, yes, my kids, it's like hourly at least, so it's all good.

Leighann Lovely: Right. Yes. My daughter and she's, and we were carving pumpkins yesterday and even during that process, she you know, Mommy, why did you do that? I failed. Yeah. Here's the thing. And this goes back again to another, another interview that I had with Ben Zhang a long time ago.

If you are, if you have to fail and we do as entrepreneurs fail forward. Learn something from that experience that can help you into the future, which is exactly what you just said, is that failure is not our enemy. It is the gateway to us learning what to do next. And that, that's beautiful, because

Scott LeBeau: Yeah, it is.

And, you know, back in the day when I've gone through interviews, you know, people, Oh, what do you tell us? And I always hate those questions. But one of the things I've told him, I said, I probably have learned more of what not to be from managers I didn't like than what to be from people I did [00:32:00] like,

Leighann Lovely: because

Scott LeBeau: I know, I know how I felt when I was handled or taken, you know, addressed in a certain way.

And I think that even, even from some probably very negative situations. I don't hold grudges. I don't hold anything because I've learned and I, and I took the positive out of a negative.

Leighann Lovely: And that is exactly the way that I have lived my life. I am the queen of walking away, assessing the situation and forgiving.

Because Holding on to negative, you know, negativity, even when you feel that you were wronged. Forgiveness and moving on and realizing that you just need to learn from even if it's a horrific manager that made you feel like crap every single day. That's for them to learn. Right. And for me to, to realize that I don't want to be like that, especially as a manager and I will learn from it, move past it, forgive and move on.

Scott LeBeau: Right. And it's hard because you can't [00:33:00] take your value system and put it into somebody else that was raised a totally different way and has different set of values. And I think, um, That's so easy to do. And I think it's much harder to do, go the other way and actually think about it and say, okay, you know, what was their perspective?

And I think if you can understand that you, you evolve, right?

Leighann Lovely: So we are coming to time, Scott, I'm going to give you your 32nd shameless pitch.

Scott LeBeau: All right. Okay. We practice this and I always forget it. It's only 30 seconds, but the short of what we do is we connect buyers and sellers directly. effortlessly with one another.

 And again, any feedback, someone wants to call, I'm just an email or a phone call away so

Leighann Lovely: awesome. And we will put your email, and your website, in the show notes. So, um, anybody who wants to reach out to you, Scott, they will be able to do that. This conversation went so fast, but it was amazing.

And, I really appreciate you coming on.

Scott LeBeau: Well, thanks to me, it's just another one of our therapy [00:34:00] sessions that we have, which is, which is always, they're always fun. But again, this is, it's all about learning. It's all about how do you get work in conjunction with people that have the same goals of success that you do.

So thank you very much, Leanne, for letting me be here.

Leighann Lovely: Yes. And again, thank you for coming on.

Scott LeBeau: Okay.

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